Does God really send everlasting punishment?
Here on this edition of Sentinel Watch, you'll here some ideas about how God’s everlasting love gives us the ability to break free from whatever would hide this redeeming love from us. I'm joined on this program with two other guests.
How can I experience a satisfying life?
“I can’t get no, satisfaction!” the Rolling Stones famously sung. They were articulating a feeling we have probably all felt at some time. So how do we find true, lasting satisfaction in our constantly changing world? In this audio program I respond to a variety of questions from listeners about how to experience a satisfying life.
What does it take to be healed spiritually?
In this audio program I share some ideas about how I have found a spiritual basis for health and well-being to be both reliable and effective.
Watch Thought
An audio recording about a physical healing I had of a recurring sharp pain in my foot.
What is the Christ?
In this audio program I share some thoughts about the Christ and how it helps and heals us.
God Blesses All
Republishing this audio program where I share an experience about how God controls and blesses.